Long ago, during a particular period in time man was created. He was granted all of the wonderful things this earth had to offer. He had food in abundance, shelter when he needed it, water when he became thirsty and as if that wasn't enough, he was given a mate so he would not be alone. He was also given certain restrictions so he could be held accoutable and learn to make good decisions which would always result in positive outcomes.
But, something went wrong and we as a race of humans have never been able to get back on track... or so it seems that way to me.
Today, we wrestle relentlessly with simple things. Simple things like the pleasantries used in saying hello or goodmorning. Heck we can't even find a way to just look another person in the eye and crack a fake smile.
Look, I'm not perfect and I too have violated some of the aforementioned from time to time, but we must bring an end to these atrocities or there will be a payment demanded at our end, and if that should happen, hopefully it won't be like writing a check we can't cash.
Still puzzled? Here are some additional pieces to the puzzle.
Well, just a couple of days ago, a professional baseball team in my neck of the woods got into a total bench clearing brawl, over pretty much nothing. These "professionals" who we adore and pay handsomely, literally erased every single parent's speech to their kids about getting along, fair play and having respect for each other. Some may say who cares... but I say, remember there were thousands of kids in attendance at that game; television and via the all powerful internet, watching and absorbing it all. This discounted behavior will become more than a fairy tale, it will be recreated and played out line by line, by one of our sweet and innocent little ones on the soccer, baseball, fields at parks and playgrounds worldwide. Seeing is Believing!
I also remember when people would stop their busy day and come together for justice and everything that represented what was right. They could actually sit down at the table and hold a discussion about unpopular issues and then somehow miraculously agree to disagree and even shake hands before departing.
Wow, talk about setting and being an example of maturity and wisdom.
So... what went wrong with those of whom, we the people elected? Those who swore to represent you and I in our cities, towns, states and congress? Now, they publicly argue almost to the point of violence and lie, cheat and scheme their way back into re-election. Or, did they just, NOT get that particular memo?
Just a few years ago, on the eve of one of America's greatest tragedies (9-11), we're faced with dealing worldwide with one single, little known man in Florida, who has decided to burn the Quran in front of the world to make his point. This situation has and still effects everyone from the "Whitehouse, to your house". This could possibly have brought an end to all the hard work and dedication we all have invested to make this world a better place live.
Maybe these things tend to reopen the spiritual portals of our concerns about why, what and how man's existence will impact on this world's demise. Perhaps this is just another one of those daily reminders or wakeup calls, as we like to call them.
Listen..., lets not ponder on just the what, how, when or if... it will happen. Let's focus perhaps on change.
Although, some are saying it will happen this year or later.
Maybe so.....
But please remember and consider this... This world came to an end, for everyone who died today.
Be and make the very best of each and everyday you have and live each and everyday you have, as though it will your last......
* This special nugget is a REPOST from my archives dated September 2010
Enchanted nuggets of love that release immeasurable inspiration for the human soul, are like diamonds... they last forever.

I'm deeply honored to have you visit my blog and I sincerely hope that your visit will result in nothing less than immense inspiration and devotion. It is my wish that you will take every available opportunity to return and become an active extension of building lasting relationships by sharing these nuggets of love with everyone you know. Please feel free, to leave comments and browse through the archives to further enrich your reads, during this or your next visit.
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Let's Gather To Gather... Again
Just as the title implies, very soon just about every household on the planet will do exactly that; they will "Gather to Gather". I'm not an authority on this bountiful and magnificent holiday, but I truly look forward to it every single year. So lets start with just a small, yet brief step back into the past. Hopefully, you can hold out for a spell, but if you're as impatient as I am, you are more than ready to dive deeply into the hundreds and hundreds of extra calorie laden pounds of "GOOD EATS".
Don't worry we'll be eating soon, but first...
Our story starts long long ago, when a group of people who we'll simply call pilgrims, landed on a rock of land they later called Plymouth. Of course as luck would have it, they soon discovered that they were not there alone. There were other two legged, upright walking, air breathing individuals on that rock as well. We'll called the newly discovered inhabitants... Indians.
Now you've got to know, there was a natural curiosity factor a mist and probably a lot of little conversations about... this is mine and that might be yours, but we want it...ummm.
Somehow over whatever period of time that followed, common sense prevailed and the two parties decided it was in the best interest of everyone to share and wouldn't you know it, suddenly someone yelled lets have a P-A-R-T-Y!! (must have been an ancestor of mine).
I'm sure there was lots of screaming and yelling and excitement expressed without limits. Unfortunately the chants and shouts of excitement was short lived, because I can just imagine..., that's when someone boldly asked, "what the heck is a P-A-R-T-Y ?"
So, I'm assuming they all compromised again and the leaders agreed that since there was food flying around in the air and food roaming around on the ground as well, it was best to just share a meal. Actually just having a meal had to boring, and since its my story we'll rename it and call it a Feast instead.
There you have it, now you know what I know about the first THANKSGIVING..... Except I can't remember how they actually settled on "TURKEY", but then who's complaining?
Every year, the tradition of THANKSGIVING, allows our family to come together in a way that's very special and unique. We always invite one new person or couple to share in our blessed festivities. As we prepare to dine, we all stand in a large family circle and hold each others hand. Then, we each take a turn to openly express that which we are personally thankful for. Of course, our new guest(s) are also allowed to share their thankful thoughts should they choose too. Well, I guess theres no need for further delay...
You're always welcomed to have a seat at our table.....
* This is a re-post selected from the achieves, with minor photo and title changes.
Don't worry we'll be eating soon, but first...
Our story starts long long ago, when a group of people who we'll simply call pilgrims, landed on a rock of land they later called Plymouth. Of course as luck would have it, they soon discovered that they were not there alone. There were other two legged, upright walking, air breathing individuals on that rock as well. We'll called the newly discovered inhabitants... Indians.
Now you've got to know, there was a natural curiosity factor a mist and probably a lot of little conversations about... this is mine and that might be yours, but we want it...ummm.
Somehow over whatever period of time that followed, common sense prevailed and the two parties decided it was in the best interest of everyone to share and wouldn't you know it, suddenly someone yelled lets have a P-A-R-T-Y!! (must have been an ancestor of mine).
I'm sure there was lots of screaming and yelling and excitement expressed without limits. Unfortunately the chants and shouts of excitement was short lived, because I can just imagine..., that's when someone boldly asked, "what the heck is a P-A-R-T-Y ?"
So, I'm assuming they all compromised again and the leaders agreed that since there was food flying around in the air and food roaming around on the ground as well, it was best to just share a meal. Actually just having a meal had to boring, and since its my story we'll rename it and call it a Feast instead.
There you have it, now you know what I know about the first THANKSGIVING..... Except I can't remember how they actually settled on "TURKEY", but then who's complaining?
Every year, the tradition of THANKSGIVING, allows our family to come together in a way that's very special and unique. We always invite one new person or couple to share in our blessed festivities. As we prepare to dine, we all stand in a large family circle and hold each others hand. Then, we each take a turn to openly express that which we are personally thankful for. Of course, our new guest(s) are also allowed to share their thankful thoughts should they choose too. Well, I guess theres no need for further delay...
You're always welcomed to have a seat at our table.....
* This is a re-post selected from the achieves, with minor photo and title changes.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Hello, usually I love to begin my day with starring out the window to greet the mornings magnificent sunrise. As I listen to the little birds singing cheerfully in the distant trees, I reflect back on the weeks blessed opportunities. Not only am I appreciative or speak of the ones I've reached out to and took hold of, but also those very special ones I missed because I did not recognize them or because I may not have positioned myself accordingly to recieve them.
Afterwhich, I then find a quiet corner and offer the inspired thoughts of my heart, mind and soul, in the numerous pages of this blog.
Today, I wish to say, "Thank You", to all of you that have visited this blog site and without reservation, went a step further to introduce it to the others within your influence.
Below is a list of what I and others like yourselves have considered the Best of "JUST LOVE". They can be accessed simply by clicking on any of the below selected "Top Ten" titles.
Join me to discover and rediscover them again...... THANKING EACH AND EVERYONE YOU!!
"JUST LOVE's" TOP TEN Selections:
Life's evening sun
How can I help
Shout while you still can
The devil made me do it
Brain Food
Tic Toc Tic
If the shoe fits
Love is in the air
The winter Will Come
Afterwhich, I then find a quiet corner and offer the inspired thoughts of my heart, mind and soul, in the numerous pages of this blog.
Today, I wish to say, "Thank You", to all of you that have visited this blog site and without reservation, went a step further to introduce it to the others within your influence.
Below is a list of what I and others like yourselves have considered the Best of "JUST LOVE". They can be accessed simply by clicking on any of the below selected "Top Ten" titles.
Join me to discover and rediscover them again...... THANKING EACH AND EVERYONE YOU!!
"JUST LOVE's" TOP TEN Selections:
Life's evening sun
How can I help
Shout while you still can
The devil made me do it
Brain Food
Tic Toc Tic
If the shoe fits
Love is in the air
The winter Will Come
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Signs, signs...everywhere!
There once was a favorite song of mine that had this very same title. I really didn't think much about understanding the songs lyrics back then, but I sure do now.
I remember some time ago, when I looked into the mirror my face was clear, smooth and soft to the touch. But I failed to notice that my parents are grandparents who viewed themselves in that same mirror saw themselves the total opposite. As a youngster I didn't understand that this was a sign that I too would grow and look older.
The point is, there are positive and negative signs around us daily.
Here's another example. Its no secret that our society has become an unruly and violent one. We can think, say and act on every single negative emotion we are big enough to feel. This behavior in most cases will lead some to believe that they are entitled, invincible and untouchable by any and everyone who courageously questions their intentions. The order of the day is that its my business and no one else has the right to challenge it. Take notice how our leaders, bicker and fight openly and boldly rationalize or pass it off as its just a healthy debate about the issues. Then, before the camera's stop rolling, they throw out a disclaimer by saying, " I'm not responsible if some quack takes it upon themselves to do something stupid."
Sadly though, when people are left to interpret the meanings of those hateful, spiteful words that sometimes promote violence, the troubled and uninformed person is moved to act.
Sometimes that action, results in the lost of innocent lives.
Not long ago in Arizona, a U.S. Congresswoman and several other individuals were shot by a 21 year old male, who for whatever reason only known to himself, also took the life of a nine year old child, who was also in attendance at that scheduled event.
Were there signs? Of course, there were signs..., there's always signs. Were the signs clear ones and could it be that they were just simply ignored by observers who resolved that, it was none of my business.
So, where does it end, can we or will we ever be able to fix this problem that affects us all?
I don't know, nor do I have all the answers, but its clear to me that perhaps the answer lies within the..SIGNS!
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