The weather man had been going on and on for several days now about all the rain and thunderstorms expected through the week. My first thought was "BUMMER!!, there goes all the wonderful plans for the weekend. Of course, all of this would be true, if I had really made plans. Thank goodness for retirement. But, when I'm faced with adversities and negativity's, my options are calculated and clear. I always look for the positives or better yet, I look for all those wonderful opportunities.
So I did. Instead of thinking about gloom and doom, I began to be thankful for being among the living. Next, instead of feeling low and lethargic, I simply reached in my refrigerator for 2-4 ounces of the most incredible life changing, anti-oxidant, energy boosting, cold and delicious purple acai blended juice in the world, and drank it. AWESOME!!
Well, now I was ready to go outside, except that I suddenly looked up and saw the depressing sight of all those huge clouds up above, that were hanging low; dark grey and full of massive droplets of wet misery. But, I quickly realized that the trees and grass around me, were very happy. I would have ventured out further, but my wife and daughter had taken the family car out of town for a soccer tournament. So, I decided to rent a car, and not just any car. I chose the brightest, most uplifting, inspiring, gossip provoking car in the lot. It was so loud in color even I needed a pair of sunglasses to approach it.
So I guess the Temptations are not the only ones who can sing "I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day"
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